23 apr 2010

Hi there

komt zomaar uit een gaatje uit het gras.
Ik denk een larve van een torretje. Maar wel een groot torretje...

22 apr 2010


Box-kleed voor juf Marlous

Juf Marlous is the kindergarden teacher of keesje, a week ago she give birth to a son, named Bart. All the children from her class made a little drawing on some textile and now I'm trying to finish it on time.

Little chair

This is some unfinished business, we're living here for 3 years now and I still didn't fix the bookshelves. Ok, there aren't any books on these shelves but a lot of other stuff and I think it's a mess. Nothing is in the right position or is in good composition.

lovely tea, lovely packaging


Finished business 3

Finished business 2

Detail of bigger work I ones made, well 6 years ago since then I made only a couple of children.
Writing should go better when I'n writing in my own language.
No all of this sounds like I'm still at school.

Unfinished business 3

This was going to become a scarf.

unfinished business 2

Ones I started this project, but never finished it
maybe the same thing will happen to this blog...


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